Saturday, February 4, 2012

The beginning.....

Where to start... God is doing something amazing! We had been praying about our future. We felt that maybe God was leading us in the direction of missions. One morning I woke up early and began to read his word, and he took me to several verses and notes I had written in the past about missions. I instantly began to break down, knowing he has so much more for me that I am not doing! One of the verses was Acts 7:3 "Leave your country and your people", God said, "and go to the land that I will show you." I of course began to see this as, we were soon going to be on the road to be missionaries in another country. As we began to talk, missions had been on Daniel's heart as well. We began to pray together, when and where God was leading us. For a few weeks, we felt like we were getting nowhere! No answers! Then out of nowhere, we began to discuss adoption much more seriously, and where we wanted to go in the direction of having children. More and more adoption was on our hearts, a very big weight! As we began to pray about adoption, we felt that this is the mission field God was leading us! And in the verse listed before became such a different meaning, yes we will leave our country and our people and going to the land he has showed us! But we're coming back! And bringing a child with us! We began looking at the different adoption programs with America World Adoption, and praying about which country God was leading us to. We had no idea where we would adopt from, we began to pray that God would narrow it down for us. And he did! Very clearly! Ethiopia was the only country we met the requirements for out of the countries we were considering! Very clear answer Lord :) Thank you! So it is with much excitement and anticipation that we have began this process of adoption!! We plan to adopt a boy from Ethiopia, and have 18 months of waiting of him! Please join with us in the process, we need your prayers and support! We will need to raise $36,000 for this adoption, and are trusting in God to provide every penny, because without him we could not do this! We ask that you please send people to this blog, and share our story!

If anyone would be interested in hosting a fundraiser for us, any help would be greatly appreciated!!! We plan on having many fundraisers to come in the future!

If you would to donate you may go to the Donate button on the blog, and give through Paypal

You may also give directly to America World Adoption , and it will be applied directly to our adoption 100%. Just follow this link:
And just complete the form as needed, they will send you a receipt for tax purposes as well.

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