Wednesday, September 5, 2012

New Fundraising Total Update!!!

Everyone, please check out the thermometer!!!!!!! We are on the downhill slope, only $16,700 left to raise until our adoption is completely funded! We have raised $19,300 so far, in only 6 months!!! I am totally and completely blown away! God is so good, and we totally give him all the glory! He continues to remind us that he 100% has ALL of it! I could not be more thankful for all the support and encouragement that got us to this point!

My next plea, please consider doing all of your Christmas Shopping through our fundraisers that will be leading up to Christmas! Help us knock out that remaining amount! Oh what a relief that would be to know it was all completely raised and we could rest and start preparing for our little man!

Our upcoming fundraisers schedule:
September 8-29th: Twisted Pepper Soup and Dip Mixes!!!! **Had tons of request to do this fundraiser again because the products are simply amazing!
October: Pampered Chef
November: Scentsy
December: Cookie Lee
Also I sell Thirty One, and if you would like to purchase something and your order specifically go towards our adoption fundraising, I can do this at any time!


  1. Congrats on your fundraising Brittni! That is phenomenal and only a work a God's hands leading you all. A monster blessing!

    1. Thanks so much :) God has been amazing, and it just confirms we are doing as he has called us, and he is with us in every step!
      Been awesome to see Him move in all of it. I truly believe this is all just evidence of him showing our "doubters" that he HAS IT. When we first announced we were going to adopt from Ethiopia, we had lots of family concerned with the cost and questioning our faith in God providing it. And I love that he has just been totally in this - to show them that HE WILL provide!
