Wednesday, January 9, 2013

2013, already curious what you will bring....

Wow, did I not just post how God always takes care of ya?

Just some exciting news for us. We have wanted to move for awhile now, and we felt that God finally said its time!

There were lots of worries and concerns on my end, just because of me applying to get my masters, finding a job (Daniel can transfer with his), and us selling our house.

Believe me it has been a battle of me picking all my worries and fear up and then laying them back down for God to take care of it all. Because he who calls us is faithful! We've seen this over and over again with our adoption, but the control freak in me wants to make sure every detail is worked out! So its has been a constant tug-o-war between me and God on who is going to take care of it. lol. Finally I got to a point of, okay God this is all too crazy and hectic and there is no possible way I can make this happen myself. I need you to do your awesomeness and take care of it all!

And guess what... once again, he has shown that he has it, and I need to step back and get out of his way! haha

I had applied for a job with an Indian Tribe to do Child Welfare, and sadly did not get the position. I had called to follow up and got the news - I was discouraged and bummed and had no clue what I was going to do next. Not long after getting this news, I received a text from a friend offering me a job at her pharmacy! The job is a raise, paid benefits, and will be a not so stressful job for while I am in school for my masters. - I honestly could not believe how it all worked out, but he knew best!
Next worry was the house and worrying about it selling... We have had several interested, and it looks as though we might get it sold pretty quick! God is so good, and I continue to be amazed at how much he loves us, and wants to take care of things but our stubborn selves always make it so difficult.

Commit to the Lord whatever you do,
and he will establish your plans.
Proverbs 16:3

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