Monday, July 2, 2012


This Sunday at church the pastor spoke of vision. I was so blessed by this sermon, and thankful to have the opportunity to be changed by it!

He stated, If God has given you a vision, DO IT!! You are the only person who can see his vision for you, he gave that vision TO YOU - No one Else! And if he has given you a vision, then he will equip you to make it happen! BE your vision! Share your vision with others and get them excited about it with you!

As he continued to share on this topic he continued to share that God has given all of us a passion and vision for something that fuels us. He then asked, whats the one thing that gets you excited, the thing that pushes you!? He also said when was the last time that you stepped out and did something God told you, having no idea how it would work out or happen. I just sat there, so thankful for Daniel and I's obedience thus far in God's vision for us. We were terrified when considering starting the adoption process. Both of us still learning just to be adults, and how to handle stuff like taxes and insurance! lol. We had no clue how to do all the paperwork, or even how we would raise $36,000! But we knew God told us the time is NOW! So we acted in faith, and look at how far he has brought us! I am BEYOND ecstatic that God has trusted us with ALL of this. He saw something in us that we couldn't see ourselves. He gave us this vision, gave us this fuel that pushes us to do things we never thought possible. What's next was the next thing that crossed my mind.... Yes we were obedient in starting our adoption process, getting us to our child. But then where does he want me? Whats his vision for me after that?

I know one thing. God has very much laid on my heart to start an annual craft show. My goal for this craft show is to use funds generated from booth rents, etc to fundraise for our adoption... and in future years pick other adopting families to support their adoptions as well. Not only for the sake of fundraising... but also use this time to open peoples eyes to the needs of orphans and families to stand in the gap for them. I am praying for God's direction as I start trying to work all this out, and to find ways to implement the sharing of the need throughout the craft show as well! If you have any input or suggestions on this please contact me. I would love to hear them!

And lastly, what is God's vision for you? What is that thing that you know hes prompting you to do... but you sit back waiting for someone else to get it started. Waiting for someone else to grab ahold of your dream?? Why wait any longer?? Step into what he has for you and see the AMAZING blessings and future that is to come!

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