So after a few days of focusing on pushing through my race. I was listening to a Christian radio station and the DJ shared a verse he said God had showed him. It was Matthew 28:20 I am always with you. This just gave me peace of knowing all these times of barely pushing through, and struggling to get through the next fundraiser... he is ALWAYS with me! With each step in this race I am taking, he is there. Not only did this give me a peace in that situation. But lately I have become more and more aware of the fact that the first several months of our child's life... we wont be a part of it. And God told me, not only am I always with YOU but I am always with your son too! God will be with him in the orphanage every day, and with him in every circumstance. And that even though I can't be with him for those first few months... God is! And I couldn't ask for a better babysitter :)
I just wanted to share my heart with you, and allow you to see a glimpse of the things God is showing me, and reminding me of.