Thursday, February 7, 2013

7 months DTE

Yesterday was our 7 month mark of waiting, and we are currently #69 on the Unofficial waiting list. We started out at #82, so were moving on up bit by bit.

We still have a ways to go but every little bit brings us one step closer.

I wanted to take a moment to tell everyone to go check out an organization I greatly appreciate. The work they are doing is great! It is called Both Ends Burning, you can check them out here:    They have a petition you can sign to join forces with them in advocating for a better process for adoptions to be better streamlined and quicked to benefit both children and families. Which is very much needed!
They have a documentary that was filmed called STUCK, they will be doing a tour around the US to show this video. I want to encourage you to check out when they will be in your area, and consider going or even volunteering. I know my husband and I will be volunteering for them when they come to our state. I appreciate someone standing up to take a stand with us, and to fight for these children as well as for us families fighting this long hard battle of WAITING! So please go and check them out, and show your support for us adopting families by signing this petition.